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    Membership Application Form…

    Please complete the relevant fields:

      Please make cheques payable to: Association of Notetaking Professionals
      And send to: Dian Donovan at 24 Hillside Avenue, Romsey, Hants SO51 5AZ
      Or you can pay online: TSB Bank plc; Sort Code 30-97-14; Account No. 31768168
      Reference - your name - this is essential for us to verify your payment

      I accept and will abide by the Constitution and Code of Practice of the Association. YesNo
      I agree that my contact information (name/phone/email/county) can be shared with notetaking-relevant third parties i.e: associations, potential clients, members. YesNo
      I understand that annual membership ends 31st December 2024. YesNo
      Membership implies acceptance of the Association’s Code of Ethics and Constitution, available on request. YesNo

      (Once submitted, please email a passport photo (to be used for your ID card) along with your qualification certificates, CV, DBS certificate (if applicable) and insurance certificate (if applicable) to membership@anpnotetakers.co.uk))